B2 Listening Part 4 on Sports, Crime and Racism

B2 Listening Part 4 on Sports, Crime and Racism

Listening Part 4 (Cambridge B2 Practice)

Below you can find a listening activity based on a BBC video about the infamous kick of Eric Cantona. Have ever you heard about his “infamous kick”? What do you think the listening will be about? Use this article to practise for B2 level listening and talk about sports, racism and crime.

Before you listen:

Words that can help you before listening:

  • Deal with = face, confront (a problem)
  • Appeal= (law) to request a change in the decision of a court, by applying to a higher court in order to obtain a more favourable decision

  • Put up with= tolerate

  • Assault= physically attack

While Listening:

Watch or listen and look at the options. Choose the best answer: a, b, or c.

1. What does Garry Palister believe was the reason behind Cantona's reaction?

(a) The journalists’ pressure on footballers.

(b) Several abuse incidents Cantona had to face before.

(c) Cantona’s personality.


2. People who were at the pitch describe that:

(a) Eric Cantona started moving rapidly.

(b) A fan was shouting at Eric Cantona.

(c) A fan entered the pitch in order to confront Cantona.

3. The court of appeal finally decided to:

(a) Suspend Cantona for the rest of the season.

(b) Imprison Cantona for two weeks.

(c) Give Cantona a community service order.

4. Why was Prosecutor Jeffrey McCann attacked by Simmons?

(a) McCann wanted to ban Simmons from football grounds.

(b) McCann claimed Cantona was innocent.

(c) Simmons was very stressed about going to court.

5. The speaker on the panel stresses that:

(a) Some fans treat players as if they were their property.

(b) Fans should be able to say anything they want to the players.

(c) It is important to hear the opinion of the fans, as they own the team.

6. Why did people use to put up with racism in football grounds?

(a) Because back then they did not realise it was an issue.

(b) Because nobody took serious action against it.

(c) Because the society was racist so they could not do anything.

7. The last speaker is convinced that:

(a) Cantona should have gone to prison because he was guilty of assault.

(b) The situation would have ended in a different way if Cantona was black.

(c) No action has been taken to protect players after the Cantona kick.

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After listening:

Below you can find some words related to crime and justice from the video. Can you guess their meanings? Look them up in the dictionary and check your anwers:

  1. Sentence (law)
  2. Community service
  3. Guilty
  4. Innocent
  5. Ban

Conversation questions

  • Are you a football fan? How often do you watch football on TV/online?
  • What is your favourite football team?
  • Who is your favourite footballer and why?
  • How often do you watch live sporting events?
  • Have you ever witnessed a similar incident? What happened?
  • Is football popular in your country? Why? What attracts people to football?
  • What do you think the punishment should be for fans who act this way? Would banning them from football grounds solve the issue?
  • Are hooligans an issue in your country/city?
  • How do authorities deal with the problem?
  • What are your thoughts on community service? Do you know any other famous people who have been ordered to do community service?

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