Review B2 Cambridge(FIRST)

Review B2 Cambridge(FIRST)

Are you preparing for your B2 exam? Or simply interested in learning more about how to write a review? In this article we are going to introduce the review format, provide you with useful vocabulary, present two sample tasks and one model answer and review the B2 writing assessment criteria.

Cambridge B2 First Writing Paper

The Cambridge B2 First Writing Paper consists of two parts. The first one is an essay and the second part can be one of the following: email/letter, review, article, or report. In Part 1 there is only one compulsory while in Part two you can choose one out of three different options. You have to write between 140-190 words.

Is the word limit important?

If you write less than 140 words, you have probably forgotten to include some of the information required whereas if you write more than 190, you have probably included unnecessary information. These can affect your score, but in general, you don’t have to worry about 2 or 3 more words.

What is a review in Cambidge exam ?

A review:

  1. Is written for an English-language magazine, newspaper or website.
  2. Describes and expresses a personal opinion about something which the writer has experienced.
  3. Gives the reader a clear impression of what the item discussed is like.
  4. Description and explanation are key functions for this task, and a review will normally include a recommendation to the reader.

Sample Task

You read this in an advertisement in a reputable online gaming magazine:

Looking for gems in the mud or mud among gems

Have you ever played a game and thought: I really like this! Why isn't it more popular? Or the exact opposite?

Now you have a chance to make your favourite underrated game known to the public. Or to throw shade to a famous game that you hated.

Tell us what we missed and whether you recommend the game or not.

All the reviews will be published in our magazine and the best review will be featured in our front page for a month.

Guess the structure

Place the correct letter
A) Identify what you are reviewing and why. Catch reader´s attention (you can use a personalised question).
B) Give your opinion and comment on the questions you have been asked.
C) Summarize your review with a recommendation.
D) Use the name of the film, book or restaurant.
E) Describe the game, book, restaurant. 

Paragraph 1:
Paragraph 2:
Check the correct answers>

Sample review exercise

Add the correct title to each paragraph

1) Title 2) Introduction 3) Description (P1) 4) Discussion (P2 ) 5) Conclusion | Recommendation

A) Stumble Guys is a multiplayer game in which you race against 31 other players you race to get a victory. In order to finish first, you have to run between obstacles or to beat other players in elimination mini-games. The player's main abilities are running, jumping, and dashing. In addition, you can use emoticons and choose among different appearances that you acquire by spending in-game currency or money.

B) I would say that the game is quite enjoyable and it seems to me that having in-game purchases that don't change the gameplay is beneficial for both the player and the company. However, in my opinion, an important drawback of the game is that the purchasable emoticons give the user a competitive advantage. Combined with how difficult it is to obtain the in-game currency, it creates an imbalance between paying and non-paying users.

C) Is paying the new word for playing? A Stumble Guys review.

D)Have you ever felt that you can't improve in a game no matter how hard you try, even though you have spent hours on playing? Countless mobile games seek ways of giving paid users an in-game advantage without ruining the experience, but few of them achieve. Stumble Guys's unique solution to keep their game fun and profitable is a combination of rather traditional methods.

F) To summarize, I believe that the game is one of the many overrated games that are popular because of advertisement tricks. I wouldn't recommend the game to players that like the competitive side of gaming because they would be stuck into buying every new emoticon which gives an advantage that out-powers the previous ones. On the other hand, it's a great casual game to play on your phone.


Guess the stucture

Tltle: D) Use the name of the film, book or restaurant.

Introduction: A) Identify what you are reviewing and why. Catch reader´s attention (you can use a personalised question).

Paragraph 1: E) Describe the game, book, restaurant. 

Paragraph 2: B) Give your opinion and comment on the questions you have been asked.

Conclusion: C) Summarize your review with a recommendation.

Sample review exercise

1) Title
C) Is paying the new word for playing? A Stumble Guys review.

2) Introduction
D)Have you ever felt that you can't improve in a game no matter how hard you try, even though you have spent hours on playing? Countless mobile games seek ways of giving paid users an in-game advantage without ruining the experience, but few of them achieve. Stumble Guys's unique solution to keep their game fun and profitable is a combination of rather traditional methods.

3) Description (P1)
A) Stumble Guys is a multiplayer game in which you race against 31 other players you race to get a victory. In order to finish first, you have to run between obstacles or to beat other players in elimination mini-games. The player's main abilities are running, jumping, and dashing. In addition, you can use emoticons and choose among different appearances that you acquire by spending in-game currency or money.

Discussion (P2 )
B) I would say that the game is quite enjoyable and it seems to me that having in-game purchases that don't change the gameplay is beneficial for both the player and the company. However, in my opinion, an important drawback of the game is that the purchasable emoticons give the user a competitive advantage. Combined with how difficult it is to obtain the in-game currency, it creates an imbalance between paying and non-paying users.

Conclusion | Recommendation
F) To summarize, I believe that the game is one of the many overrated games that are popular because of advertisement tricks. I wouldn't recommend the game to players that like the competitive side of gaming because they would be stuck into buying every new emoticon which gives an advantage that out-powers the previous ones. On the other hand, it's a great casual game to play on your phone.

Tips for each part


Write the title or the name of what you are reviewing followed by the author or creator.

Example 1: The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien

Example 2: Berners Taver: A Review


Engage the reader! You can use a personalised question for that.

At least 2 sentences long.

Don't give a lot of information, give a reason to the reader to keep reading.


Give all the necessary information about what you are reviewing and details based on the question.

Don't state your opinion yet.


Here is where you can share your opinion.

Useful phrases:

  • For me,…
  • The way I see it,…
  • I believe that…
  • In my opinion,
  • From my point of view,…
  • As far as I’m concerned,…
  • It seems to me that …


In this part, you have to summarise and (based on what you previously stated) recommend or not the reviewed subject.

Useful phrases:

  • You might want to...
  • I recommend...
  • You should...

Download the B2 game review presentation

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