Adults can’t learn languages, having an accent is negative, and many other horrific tales and myths surround language learning. Do not be afraid: language learning is not only meant for a specific group of people (born in an X country, having an X talent etc). There are so many widespread myths about language learning that we have decided to write an article and shout: No! That’s not exactly the truth! Let’s start with:
The age myth
Myth: Adults cannot learn a language, as there is an age limit.
Adults might actually be able to learn faster, because of their meta-cognitive skills that can help them easily understand concepts and learn faster. Apart from that, an adult is likely to have more motivation or at least self-discipline and can take advantage of autonomous learning.

(There are benefits related to learning a language when you are a kid such as developing better listening, pronunciation skills, and intercultural awareness but that doesn’t mean you cannot learn as an adult.)

The accent myth

The correction myth

The AI myth

The easy and fun myth

The talent myth

The Grammar myth

Why does it matter?
Some of these myths can hinder your progress and lower your motivation, so keep in mind that they are only myths as you embark on your language-learning journey! If you have come across any other myths or have any questions, please let us know in the comments.
Recommended Reading
Lightbown, P. M., & Spada, N. (2020). How languages are learned. Oxford University Press.